
The Best Bread Recipe

Oh, hey! It has been a while since I posted in this space. Suprise, surprise.  Life has been BUSY since going back to work after my fourth (and final) maternity leave. We have finally settled into a routine and things seem to have calmed down in a crazy sort of...

Healing Diastasis Recti

; If you follow me on Instagram (@pinkandblueblog) I have been sharing a lot about my journey in healing my rectus diastasis since having my fourth baby. If you aren't familiar with what this is, it's the weakening of the linea alba/connective tissue that runs...

Life and a Budget

Welcome to the first instalment of my new series: Life and a Budget . Nothing to heavy to start off - just elaborating on a reel I shared on Instagram (@pinkandblueblog) this week pertaining to home decor and the changing seasons. I was thinking back to when I was...

Hello, it’s me!

  If you follow me on Instagram, I have been sharing a lot about my journey in heaing my rectus diastasis since having my fourth baby. If you aren't familiar with what this is, it's the weakening of the linea alba/connective tissue that runs between your "six...

Green Beaver Toothpaste

Do you remember how old your little ones were before you started introducing them to "brushing your teeth"? Now that Isla is 16 months old, and has 11 teeth, I figured it was a good time to have her start. She was already showing an interest when she would watch us...

Beluga Baby Wrap

I have always been a fan of baby wearing and when I heard about the Beluga Baby Wrap and that they are made in Canada, I had to try them! Wearing your baby in the Beluga Wrap is great for both Mom and baby (helping combat postpartum depression and reduce crying by...

Powder Room Remodel

I am so happy to finally have our powder room remodel complete! It has been six months in the making - seriously! We purchased 95% of what we needed back in March, before everything shut down due to Covid-19. Jesse didn't have as much time off work as he thought he...

Nursery Reveal in Collaboration with Livette’s Wallpaper

I am so excited to finally share the nursery reveal. This has been a work in progress for so long thanks to Covid; but it has finally come together. There are a few things left to add that I will over time but I am so happy with how it turned out. I will add links...

38 Weeks – Final Pregnancy Post

38 weeks! I can't believe this is my last pregnancy update! There are moments where it feels like this pregnancy has flown by, and others where it feels like I have been pregnant forever. Sickness: No sickness, still having wicked heartburn in the...

Hospital Bag – Mama & Baby

I remember when I was pregnant with Maxton, and ready to pack my hospital bag, I had no idea what I needed. I relied on the suggested list we received from the hospital during the prenatal classes, and a couple of books I had at the time. (Blogs and YouTube were...